Patient Participation Group

The Aims of the Patient Participation Group

We have a Patient Participation Group made up of patients and practice staff who meet at regular intervals to ensure that services provided at the surgery are designed and adapted to respond to patients needs.  Would you like to be involved?  If so please contact the practice on: 01303 812180.  New ideas and opinions are always very welcome.

What does a Patient Participation Group do?

The group participates in a wide range of activities that benefit the patients and other worthy causes. Pick up a leaflet from the practice to find out more.

Please see below the minutes of our PPG meeting from 8th July 2024:

PPG minutes- FINAL July 2024 (1).doc


PPG Meeting Change

Please be advised our PPG AGM is scheduled for 14th October at 6.30 pm.

We are pleased to conform that we will be welcoming the IC24 Regional Quality Director for Kent and Sussex as a guest speaker to discuss the services that IC24 provide.



What Can You Do?

We welcome new members as well as input from anyone with comments or suggestions about the practice and the services it offers.

You can telephone us on 01303 812237 or put your comments and suggestions in writing and post them or leave them in the suggestion box located in the surgery waiting room (we guarantee a response).

You are welcome to come along to our Open Evening/Annual General Meeting which is held in October each year and is publicised in the practice, on the practice website and in the local press.

You can request a copy of our ‘Terms of Reference’ and minutes of our meetings from the receptionist.

Getting Your View

The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.