At Sellindge Dispensary we cannot accept the return of Sharpsafe bins that are given to patients who dispose of needles. All surgeries within the Mid Kent PCN have received the following information:
Ashford Borough Council have notified us that they have stopped accepting sharps boxes at the Gateways and Civic Centre and are directing anyone who brings them in to them to sign up for a home collection instead.
The Council have advised us they are hearing from most patients that they didn’t even know they could have a home collection. Patients are advising the council that their GP surgery has asked them to take it to the council.
Please could you ask staff who issue a sharps box for medical purposes to direct patients to Ashford Borough Council's website for details of collection of used needle boxes once full, direct from the patient's home address.
Collections can be booked regularly (such as monthly) or just on an as and when required basis by patients. The online sharps collection request form can be found on ABC's website (see below) or patients can call 01233 331111.
Many thanks all for your assistance.
These bins can be collected through the council. Information can be found at:
Or if your postcode comes under Ashford Borough council, information can be found at :